Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

welirang mountain

Welirang Mountain is a mountain that is still active with a crater that is always blowing smoke and liquid sulfur. This mountain is a mountain complex that forming a line. There are several mountains around Mount Welirang-Arjuna including: Mt.Arjuna (3339 masl), Mt. Welirang (3156 masl), Mt.Twin I (3051 masl), Mt. Twin II (3126 masl), Mt.Ringgit (2477 masl). Gn. Welirang to climb and a variety of directions; North direction (Tretes and Trawas), and the east (Lawang) and from the west (Batu-Selecta). Walk about 200 meters you will meet with the branching of the right toward the camp and Waterfall Grandfather Bodo. While to the left (straight) into the Pet Leaks direction to the summit of Mount Welirang. Until Pet Leaks neat lines still cemented with a very sharp slope, so that could be used as climbing a fairly warm breath and energy drain. With a clean atmosphere and cool as it is still protected by large trees.
After walking about 45 minutes we arrived at the Post Pet Leaks. At Pet Leaks are a big place to open a few tents. There is also a source of water from pipes that leak water channel. Pet Leaks From the journey continues with cobbled streets that have been damaged. Very wide lane passable jeep, with open natural condition, rare trees, and the frame on the right road just overgrown with grass and planted with bananas to overcome the weeds. This path is commonly used by Jeeps to Post Kokopan sulfur carrier. So that climbers can also go to the Post Kokopan with Jeep ride that only exist if it is going to take sulfur only. In the daytime lane will feel very hot and dusty, so that the ascent should be done in the afternoon, evening, or early morning. Along the path hikers will be treated to views of the mountain toward Tretes and very indah.Setelah Penanggungan walk about 3 hours of climbers will reach the Postal Kokopan.Kokopan are diketinggian 1500 masl, there are huts set up by the miners Sulfur. There is also a small river where the water is relatively abundant.and equipped with a simple toilet. There is also a snack bar which is open only on holidays. This area can accommodate quite a lot of tents and surrounded by pine trees. Comfortable to stay because it is quite sheltered from the breeze. In the afternoon the air was cool and often foggy.
In kokopan there is a shrine made of stone structure. The tomb is precisely located on the bottom near the corner of Post Kokopan lane. It is said that the climbers and miners often raised by the appearance of one's grandfather and his grandfather was invited to speak, after introducing himself as the grandfather Maulana Malik Ibrahim was about to leave to go home and disappear right in the tomb.
From Post Kokopan journey continues towards Postal Quarters. There are many paths to get to the Quarters. The pathway that is often used by climbers is the main route in the form of a straight mountain ridge. Line a steep rocky road that is very draining, especially when climbing done in the daytime, at night climbers point recognizable these may be difficult as it is covered bushes. There are no signs pointing the direction. Climbing in the daytime quite comfortable because there are many large trees along the route. The time it takes about 4 hours to get to the Post Quarters.Toward Peak Gn-Welirang there are plenty of shortcut, the main point of the steep rocky road.Line miners are not too steep but melipir play right side. Still takes about 3 hours to reach the top of the mountain Welirang. Line entered the pine forest that covered the bushes. Towards the summit of Mount Welirang divided into two paths.Miners path straight toward the crater where the miners to take sulfur. Climbers to the right path across the ridge is very steep and rocky mountain Welirang batu.Di Peak area is extraordinarily beautiful scenery. Hikers can tour around the crater to climb several small peaks. When the weather is clean we can look at the top of Mount Arjuna with a very clear detail. Mount Penanggungan also clearly seen very close.
There are many peaks and many craters are still active. The largest crater within the crater and Jero, next to the crater Plupuh. The cliffs around the summit has breathed sulfur smoke. Some holes in the cliffs also issued a golden liquid sulfur.
Concentrated sulfuric smoke when blowing on the eyes can cause eye swelling to it immediately wash the eyes with clean water. When inhaled in a long time can cause dizziness and fainting. For that when sulfur is thick smoke blanketed the peak should not be approached. To be a little safer to use glass eyes and nose mask that moistened with water

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